Friday, September 20, 2013

Anderson House update and Friday the 13th + Thoughts

First things first, as many of you know I have recently been in communication with the DNR to get permission to investigate the Anderson house at the Battle of Lexington state historic site in Lexington, Missouri.

Sad news, they basically said no. More specifically they told me that because they do not allow anyone inside the building unless staff are present, and they dont have staff there at night, I cant be there.

I was also given an a person to contact to appeal the decision. Which I am doing but it will likely take just as long to hear back as it took last time. Hopefully this goes better, I made sure to express my enthusiasm and desperation.

Moving on to the last experiment which you can watch below

I'll admit some of what you see here is unorthodox but sometimes an unusual approach results in learning something new. Unfortunately not this time as I didnt notice anything unusual or out of the ordinary during my time in the woods that night.

I think there is another Friday the 13th coming around in December this year so I'll try to plan ahead for that as well and if you have any specific suggestions for that particular date be sure to get them to me before the day-of, please.

On a good note I came across some cheap surplus mirrors recently and theyre rather large so we're all set for future experiments in that regard. They arent quite big enough to build a mirror box or "psychomanteum" I dont think...maybe...if I were to really squeeze inside but I dont think I'd be able to relax or get comfortable. I'll keep my eyes open for larger ones.

Also I do have a few other haunted locations on my list and now that I dont have to keep a specific date open for the Anderson house I'm going to be making a few calls this weekend and Monday morning to see about a couple other locations that arent too far away. I'd say to wish me luck but with all the mirror breaking lately whats the point?

That reminds me - someone recently asked me to make a zombie apocalypse video of some sort. Let me know your thoughts on that because I'm not going to lie, I'm interested. There are actually a few zombie movies that entertain paranormal theories for the zombies themselves, not just assorted biological issues like the popular pandemic or global virus.

In fact, the classic brain eaters and the idea of a zombie rising from a cemetery or graveyard were paranormal zombies. Long dead tissue, long dead people, not a disease. Even the popular "The Walking Dead" are paranormal zombies in fact. Some what of a mix but definitely paranormal. Anyway enough talk, I've gotta get to reading and forum lurking and reply to a lot of emails/youtube comments instead of turning this into a the great wall of text.

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