Friday, July 26, 2013

Werewolves, symptoms, and Indiegogo Update

Alright third things first! The indiegogo fundraiser!

So far there have been contributions from the following people

Olivia Thurley

Connor Belding

Tyson Andrew


That is the list of awesome so far , and I only say so far because I've had quite a few responses about future contributions. We're at $45 of 2,000 right now but I still feel confident that its possible regardless of the Steam summer sale and the cost of air conditioning.

I want to thank them so much and I'll be thanking them more as time goes on throughout the campaign (your name could be there on that list) all the way up to August 22nd. I really cant believe they have taken money from their own pocket and put it towards helping to make the channel better. Its surreal to think about and exciting to know others are as interested as I am in seeing many more experiments become a reality...key word 'seeing' of course.

Now to the werewolvery, which, if you watched the latest topic video, you know was a common accusation during the times of European witch trials. So as you can see there have been people against the furry agenda for centuries. Jokes aside, if you want to hear more watch below.

 The view was actually of a large field surrounded by trees with a long leafless tree at the center of the horizon. Some interesting things there to learn hopefully. As for the experiment relating to werewolves it was a suggestion from a peer - Chris Bell - and you can watch the video below.

The listed symptoms are below.












Now I want to stress that I dont have a physician or a medical expert to examine me but since most of these are fairly obvious or personal to the point that the Doc would just ask me if I felt them I feel fine self diagnosing.

So to refer to the list again everything with a red mark is what I've experienced since the attempt.

As for the blurry vision I think I just stayed up way too late then quickly walked from 2 areas with vastly different lighting. Other than that moment I have not experienced the blurry vision at all.

As for the hunger I have definitely been hungry after eating lately but thats normal for me. I am pretty sure I eat way more than I need and I mostly blame food for being delicious. So even though I eat too much thats normal for me.

Other than these points I havent noticed any correlation between the symptoms list and my current behavior but I will keep the updates on my condition running until the next full moon has come and gone. I will update immediately if I notice any of the more extreme changes such as sharper teeth or eye color variance.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fundraiser Update + Succubus results

Quick update on the indiegogo campaign for night vision - 2 contributions already and I'm really excited.I cant think the contributors enough but I'll be trying and if you want in to score some cool perks the link is below.

Alright thats taken care so on to the succubus experiment which you can watch below.

Now I've tried this more than once and at least once of the attempts resulted in a video error at a moment that seemed suspicious but I never felt anything or noticed anything unusual myself.

You'll probably notice the candle colors are different but since the ritual didnt mention the color of candles required I used what I had available.

As for recommended reading it seems nobody on Earth can agree on what a succubus is or who/what Lilith is exactly. There are all sorts of varying descriptions and legends.

I even have multiple rituals for how to summon a succubus and they differ considerably but they all do seem to agree that 'sexual energy' or sexual intent is somehow a part of the process.

Oh, by the way for anyone concerned with precision I did use a protractor to measure the angle of the symbol on paper so that I could match it as precisely as possible when I redrew it with chalk.

Small mention of future experiments - I intend to catch the full moon soon for a suggested werewolf spell, I plan to modify the mirror cube for another experiment recently suggested that I tried on stream once years ago, and I might manage to try an idea someone sent me that involves The Holders series.

If youre not familiar you can read more about them here -

I've also been planning a sort of ritual to worship the Greek god Pan and it might involve some time innawoods soon. Looking forward to it!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Nightvision campaign is live on Indiegogo! + Ganzfeld results! + Thoughts on altars and respect paid to Austin Osman Spare

First things first....or actually scratch that, second things first.

The campaign for NV funds is up!

You can check out the campaign here -

Seriously give it a look so you can grab yourself a cool shirt with one of the designs below(or a poster or other interesting things, go see for yourself!)

Be sure to let me know what you think and if there are any perks I missed that you'd like me to add. I can always add more perks if you hate cool stuff. I'm kidding. Dont be afraid to let me know what you want in a perk, its important.

Equally important are your suggestions and ideas for experiments. Last week I got around to a suggestion from Dimitri1105, among others, and that was a Ganzfeld experiment.

You can watch the video below

Now I do call it a complete failure at the end of the video but some of you with an eye for detail might notice that both of the 5 digit numbers actually consists of 4 matching numbers and one pair that didnt match; the 2 and the 9. Given theyre out of place though, in the wrong order I mean, the odds arent that incredible. Its easily within chance for that to happen. Had the 2 and 9 not been off I would have honestly been impressed by matching all 5 digits in the wrong order.

Like I said at the end this doesnt discredit Ganzfeld experiments for telepathy at all, its 1 drop in an ocean of experiments similar to this, most done with a much more controlled environment than what I was using. I might also attempt more of these in the future.

I can think of ideas like multiple senders, multiple receivers, strangers as opposed to people with personal relationships or blood relation, even animals under the right conditions. Lots more as well but thats all for later.

Speaking of later I was reading earlier about the history of sacrificial altars and how many thousands of years they date back. It really makes me curious as to when and how the idea first appeared in human history. Without a time machine we pretty much cant know for certain but reading about different cultures altars and forms of sacrifice is very interesting.

In some cases an offering might be burned so that its ashes would rise up to where a god might be and in the case of specific dieties the opposite would be to let the blood of a sacrificed animal pool onto the ground instead. Perhaps for someone like Hades.

Always interesting.

I was also reading that there is archeological evidence of early man collecting bear skulls in a cave, with a form of altar, that was dated to be in use sometime around 100,00 BC. This information is readily available in Man, Myth & Magic Volume 1.

That amazes me but I cant find documentation of it readily on the net so I cant link a source online other than the book. At least not without spending a lot more time digging.

I can find the source for evidence from around 480 BC. which you can read up on at the most likely place.

480 BC. Thats nowhere near the earliest evidence either. There is almost no way that whatever rituals they practiced in that time are recorded well enough to be accurately recreated today but that doesnt mean we cant take our best educated guess.

Food for thought.

Oh and I finally updated the icon for the youtube channel. If youre curious where it came from it was a suggestion from a peer and the original painting was done by this man -

Its not just interesting looking, its legitimately linked to the occult through the creator. If you have the time you should read a little about him. Its also featured in one of the videos on the channel because it is in fact the cover for the 1st volume of Man, Myth & Magic which is a series of encyclopedia covering a huge range of topics related to the paranormal.

Once again be sure to check out the indiegogo campaign and I'll be keeping everyone updated!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Baby Blue or Blue Baby 3 part results and Indiegogo + Night Vision

Alright over the course of this week I managed to find the time for 3 experiments although they were relatively short and also very similar. You can see them below if youre curious.

I also managed to attempt the closet experiment I mentioned last week. This is going to be a wall of video links if I dont break it up so I'll try to find some words to break them up.

First the closet.

It was actually kinda interesting squeezing myself into the closet but ultimately the spookiest thing about the video was my clothes hangers. Just watch it, trust me.

Next, the first Baby Blue attempt.

I noticed nothing strange during the experiment aside from my obvious lack of familiarity with holding a baby. I had my arms out like some kind of T-Rex with issues but I was trying and even if it looked awkward I am fairly certain it would have held a baby if said baby was placed in my awkward arms.

Moving on, attempt #2.

Keep in mind all 3 of these were a night apart. This was mentioned somewhat in the videos but to be clear it was so that none of the experiments would interfere with the others.

Moving on to #3

Last but not least. I suppose for all these I want to mention that it felt pretty easy to mistake my arms getting tired for a weight but a moment of concentration can allow one to recognize the difference between the two. Its not like I have weak arms I mean I hit the gym every day. That last part is a blatant lie.

Jokes aside thats the recap and during none of those 4 experiments did I notice anything strange or unusual. If anyone has any other suggestions for Baby Blue/Blue Baby please let me know

Speaking of other suggestions brings me to my next point - The candle. The instructions for these 3 experiments dont mention any lights. No candles, flashlights, or anything else. Not even a match or moonlight is mentioned.

A lot of other experiments also require near pitch black darkness. Now since candles put off plenty of IR light and most nightvision cameras use IR to 'see' in the dark I cant argue the IR is much different than candle light from the current scientific understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum. Even if its IR vs NIR its hard to argue from an occult standpoint if either interferes but its absolutely impossible at this point to debate whether or not it affects the ability of peers (all of you) to evaluate documented experiments.

If you want to understand the electromagnetic spectrum and how we perceive light take the following link and go crazy.

I've had so many requests for a nightvision solution at this point that I cant ignore it any longer and I've had a lot of people tell me that I should try some sort of crowdfunding site so that I can avoid low end cameras that cant get the job done well. So after forever and a weekend I've finally gotten around to reading up on Indiegogo.

If youre not familiar with Indiegogo its a popular crowd funding site that I only heard about because it apparently funded another person with a youtube channel.

Maybe you recognize the guy.

So thats what I need, half a million dollars.

I'm kidding. I dont even have the campaign up yet. I'm not lazy I swear. Its not up yet because I wanted to ask all of you, the peers; What rewards would you most like to see for donations?

I didnt want to simply assume and leave you with options you hate.

I'm sure I can find a way to do the typical posters or t-shirts but I've got other ideas and I've always gone to YOU for ideas up until now so I see no reason to stop.

I'll be uploading a video discussing this soon but if you read it here feel free to message me anywhere with what you'd like to see as a donation reward on a type of fundraiser site that gives you different rewards in return for donations. Thats basically what indiegogo is...its like kickstarter if youve heard of that one.

If you want to know more on how it works check here -

Alright thats a lot of videos and urls in this post already. Sorry for the wall everyone but its an exciting time. I just want to be clear on this though - Even if this crowdfunding thing doesnt work out and there arent any donations I am still going to keep trying the experiments everyone suggests and we'll still keep learning. I'll even eventually save up for the camera myself (could take a while) but if this goes well and we get NV sooner than later that could let me bring you all much more watchable experiments. I really do apologize for my crap lighting but hopefully we can fix it.

I'll give more details soon but be sure to let me hear your voice on what rewards you'd want the most. I'll try my best to make the suggestions a reality.