Friday, March 29, 2013

Djinn results, envelope results, and journal plans

For those interested in the Djinn experiment I'll be quickly going over some of the results and thoughts on the process.

I've been keeping the stone with me whenever I am not working. I keep it in my right side pocket. I have been trying to meditate and focus on a question for the djinn each night before going to bed.

It has been 3 days and I will briefly update this blog with my dreams each week for perhaps a month.

Day 1 - Tuesday the 26th, before I went to bed I instructed 2 people I know to quickly write down a 5 digit number and store the paper somewhere safe. I have no idea what they wrote. Each of them have separate 5 digit numbers hidden which I can ask the djinn about. Thats the plan and I went to sleep meditating with the stone and focused on asking the djinn about the numbers they wrote down. I do not recall any dreams when I awake.

Day 2 - Wednesday the 27th, I went to bed having meditated as instructed. I hold the stone close to my chest as I focus on asking the djinn about the 5 digit numbers my friends wrote down. When I awake I can recall dreaming of my highschool. The building is scheduled to be demolished soon. I do not recall any sounds or much other than the school itself. The building was sold and I know the owner so I plan to ask them if I can go there and look around one last time.

Day 3 - Thursday the 28th, I forgot to meditate and left the stone on my desk all night. I woke up from a nightmare featuring a person trying to kill me. The person used a method similar to the character Freddy Krueger in the sense that they could apparently only kill me while I was asleep. My dream self that is, meaning I was avoiding sleeping IN my dream. In reality I was of course asleep already. The strange part was that he also seemed to require the time to be between 5 am and 8 am, otherwise he apparently could not kill me.

Conclusion - Nothing. I cant honestly conclude anything from these dreams because theyre entirely normal for me. I normally have nightmares about random things all the time and highschool lasts years so thats a totally normal dream topic as well. In fact, for some, highschool is a totally normal nightmare topic.

Jokes aside I understand that dreams as proof of the paranormal is something very hard to take serious when youre looking for evidence. Thats why I tried to design an experiment to take care of the problem. Sure, dreams are all interal. If I say I spoke to a djinn in my dream, well, who is gonna argue with me? Whats more, so what if I did? Cant a guy dream about a genie? Thats why I had my friends write down those 5 digit numbers and hide them away.

Now I have something I can ask the djinn that will amount to information I couldnt get any other way. I'll be sure to keep a log of my dreams but I wont consider my dreams to be paranormal or contact with a djinn unless I somehow come up with those numbers correctly in 1 attempt.

Meaning the first time I believe I perceived a number in my dream I will write it down and then fetch the hidden numbers from my friends then compare them together for the first time during a video recording for you guys.

Envelope Results

A while back I made a video experimenting with ESP and in 1 part I mentioned a sealed envelope. Inside the envelope was a simple math problem written on a piece of paper. I made clear that anyone could attempt to divine the simple math problem in any way possible. Didnt matter if they read my mind, asked a summoned demon, or simply guessed based on their intuition. Here is the video.

You can skip to about 10:00 for the envelope bit. The results are revealed at the end of the djinn video above. The simple problem was 57 - 43 = 14

Nobody sent me the correct answer in any comments or messages, sorry. 

In closing I mentioned in one of my replies on youtube that I experienced a strange coincidence recently. I'll try to explain it clearly. I was conversing with a friend, having a completely normal conversation. I stepped away for a moment and while I was out of the room my mind drifted and I began thinking of mentalism.
Liar. You were thinking of me.

Particularly I was thinking of book tests. For those who have never heard of book tests - "In classic book tests, a spectator turns to any page in a book and selects a word or sentence, and the magician can name the word or offer an impression of what's in the sentence. It's a traditional and powerful mentalism effect that mimics mind reading." that short description is from here and its a fun, yet short, read if you have a moment to spare.

I've read quite a bit about magic and mentalism as its important information to know when researching or discussing parapsychology. The incredible number of opportunists making money by faking the paranormal create an ever present challenge. Back to the topic though - when I returned to the room I asked my friend to grab the nearest book, which happend to be the Harris' Farmers Almanac 2012 Seasonal Gardening Guide. You can find it here  -

I told them to flip to the 29th page, then find the 3rd paragraph, go to the 3rd line of that paragraph, and then finally find the 5th word of that line.

While doing this I have already decided that I will guess the word "the" as its pretty much the most common word used in the English language. Yet, before I can guess, they basically shit bricks. I'm not sure why at first but they quickly explain to me that the word I directed them to is in fact "Lucifer."

Now its important to note the book is actually talking about a flower. This flower -

Its worth mentioning that I'm not sure if the word 'Lucifer' is ever repeated throughout the book but the odds are still pretty slim for landing on it while joking about a book test, dont ya think?

No, they think its bullshit.

Jokes aside I understand this means literally nothing. It cant be measured or checked for faslifiability. Its only a coincidence as far as evidence is considered but I mentioned a coincidence in response to a youtube comment once and was asked repeatedly to elaborate. Thats it! Sorry if it wasnt the earth shattering, life changing, paranormal experience some were hoping for but look at it this way - I've only done a handful of experiments so far!

That means, if you stick around, you'll certainly get to see me do more experiments that require walking in poorly lit places! So even if a demon never swallows my soul it will only be a matter of time until I blindly trip down some stairs! Because I've read how some of you really want something, anything, bad to happen to me. Shame on you guys.

In closing, dont forget that I am welcoming any and all suggestions! Tell your friends, ask your parents, your grandparents, your kids, and strangers. I'll keep reading. Together we'll go through all the paranormal experiments possible. Unless I trip and die.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thoughts and theories + Current reading material and Djinn

I recently received a request to attempt this:

As you can see, it's summoning a djinn to bind it to an item. The actual post on the forum where it's at discusses some of the djinn lore, and you can read plenty more over on wiki and all across the net. You'll find out in no time at all that, just like any other area of the occult, there is no end to the number of differing opinions on the subject matter.

I think it's worth noting that this isn't just a small matter of calculations to be made. It's not as if there is a formula for converting one belief to the next like metric and imperial equivalents.

If you multiply Zeus by 1.497 the product is God.3 repeating

The only way to entertain the near countless other versions is to literally attempt each one exclusively.

For example, something as seemingly simple as attempting to use spirit/talking/ouija boards can actually have quite a few techniques. So far, I've had people tell me their theories consisting of everything from specific patterns that must be drawn with the planchette before you begin to the location needing to be specific as well. Older beliefs I've read also suggest specific types of wood be used, and still yet there are numerous planchette shapes.

If we were to experiment thoroughly and take into account every combination of each different belief system that is part of a whole experiment, I'm fairly certain I could spend a good portion of my life on only a handful of small occult systems.

For this reason, I tend to go with whatever is the most accepted theory. If the majority, for example, said, "For this you must stand in a circle facing north," but a smaller group said you needed to face south, I would go with North. I might eventually get around to trying everything over again with South, however.

This is only a small example, but hopefully it helps explain why I often get comments saying I did something "wrong." Right and wrong are hard to come by when you're dealing with rumors, myths, legends, and folklore (not to mention a history often involving secret societies and cults). These types of groups often purposely hide meanings or mislead those not formally initiated.

The first rule of Witch Club is you dont talk about Witch Club. The second is gonna have to be pants.

Jokes aside and moving on to current reading material. Upon suggestion, I've started turning the pages of E. A. Koetting's "Works of Darkness." I'm not far in yet, but the book was recommended, and it fits with my original plan to work back in time basically going through more recent material before going on to older material. Koetting is very new, still alive in fact.

You can find his books on amazon or his channel on youtube. I'm not going to be giving a personal review of his book or his channel. This is not a review site where I tell you what to shop for or what shows to watch. I am simply going to follow the instructions in his book to the very best of my ability, record the results, and we can all review the video together.

Also, even if it is weeks away before I attempt anything by a published author (alive or dead), I want to stress that some systems have very strong advocates. I'm sure even the videos I have already done would convince some people that I am a terrible person with few, if any, redeeming qualities, and am going to end up in some Hell somewhere.

Hopefully not the Hell of the Horny Dragon

 I am equally as sure that when I work through existing systems, some practitioners of those systems will, no doubt, feel that I misrepresented them or their beliefs. That's only natural, and I understand.

If I follow the instructions of a system and nothing happens and you feel I misrepresented your beliefs, please just send me a PM or even a short comment saying exactly how you would perform the ritual or what I should do differently.

In fact, I welcome anyone with the time and resources to contact me through my youtube or this blog or even my email at We can discuss the experiment. If you want to represent your system, you can teach me or even come here in person. We'll record the results of you instructing me and even you performing the ritual yourself if you prefer.

We do not have to disclose your identity. On the other hand (if you want your name out there), I will give you full credit. Please keep in mind this is going out to everyone. You, your father, your sister, E.A. Koetting, the ghost of Crowley, and everyone else is formally invited to contact me and help me with experiments to experience and document the paranormal, supernatural, and occult.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Fairy Rings, morel mushrooms, and selling my soul

Last week I attempted the soul selling ritual that you can read in my last post from March 8th. I cant say I experienced anything paranormal or supernatural. You can view for yourself.

One of the comments I received stated that because I recorded this and eventually showed everyone else I was technically breaking the rule of being alone. I was alone at the time of the ritual but by later bringing others into it by showing them I wasnt really keeping it private. I have to entertain that as a possible explanation for the lack of results. Plenty of people have told me the camera could cause a problem during certain practices and experiments because there might be some sort of double-slit form of awareness where the ritual seems to react differently when observed.

Very cool read by the way if youre interested in the double-slit experiment.

So the instructions go on to say that if nothing happens you can repeat the process every 13 days. I intend to do so but this time I wont use the camera. I'll be alone completely and I'll let you guys know if I experience anything. I'll keep you updated.

Now for something new! In Missouri every spring means morel mushroom season. Morel mushrooms are very popular here (people hike and explore old woodlands to hunt and gather them) and among rather high class French chefs from what I've read but unfortunately they dont seem to form rings like certain other mushrooms. Mention of them got me thinking though about all the folklore and legend behind fairy rings.

Actual Fairy Ring

A rather impressive history and a fun read if youre interested and you probably are if youve read to this point. Reading through their lore I was thinking that I'm bound to come across a few fairy rings this year while hiking and morel hunting with my family this spring.
A dubstep fairy rave innawoods.

 I can note the location of the ring and come back later to attempt a few experiments, perhaps during a full moon. I have yet to do record anything that most would consider nature magic and I know many people would consider that an area of the supernatural worth experimentation.

One last thing if youre reading this day of - Friday 15th of March of 2013 - you can catch one of the threads currently over here --->

Of course keep sending me any and all suggestions even if you dont catch the threads or even watch the experiment videos. My email is fine,

Friday, March 8, 2013

Envelope Results, thoughts on NV, and future experiments

 First things first - The sealed envelope from last weeks video has only gotten a couple attempts so far as to the simple math problem written on a piece of paper inside the envelope. I'll be opening the envelope in the next video so everyone who wants to take part in that experiment still has a chance.

Moving on to my thoughts about nightvision and general visibility in experiments related to the occult. A lack of visibility has played a large role in the paranormal, occult, and supernatural throughout history.

No doubt the majority of practices I've read about require you to be snuggled deeply in the blanket of night. This fact alone does not imply something is being faked. Unfortunately it does mean that it becomes easier to fake something. It also means that even if something genuine happens its more difficult to visually detect it with the naked eye. That being said I've read few occult practices that really insist on absolutely no light. Infact as far as ritual magic is considered candles are necessary in almost every major ritual youll read.

Completely Demons.

Indeed I believe most occult phenomena throughout history took place with at least candlelight present. My argument for this is that without a candle, a fire, or a very bright moon outside you really couldnt say you witnessed a ghost, demon, witch or anything for that matter because you simply couldnt see it. All physical descriptions we have of demons, angels, etc we must assume came from visually perceiving them with the human eye which suggests they are visible without IR nightvision and without being in total darkness.

I am making this point because I have given a lot of thought lately to how I should handle the 'hard to see' experiments like

1 man hide and seek
 salt selling in a cemetary
 and various others

Many of them dont mention candles at all while others say to turn off all the lights or at some point tell you to blow out the last of 100 candles (looking at you hyakumonogatari) at a specific point in time. Afterwards you'd assume being in pitch black darkness you cant record anything unless you violate the rules or make up your own and add a big IR spotlight or some everyday flashlights or even just a candle in your hands for seeing your way around.

After a lot of thought I've decided that I'll use candles. Actual fire for the lighting and actual candles for said fire are far more traditional, and thus likely to not interfere with any occult process, than flashlights or IR lights.

I know some people will be worried about not getting to see things in IR nightvision but keep in mind that everything written about the occult before the last 100 years did everything ONLY by candle or firelight and even after we had electric light via AC or battery everyone writing books on the occult still overwhelmingly suggests candles or fires instead of lightbulbs or flashlights. There are a dozen TV shows hunting the paranormal with NV cameras right now as well so sticking to candles is worth it simply for altering the approach.

Totally not Demon, bro

Hopefully anything the camera misses will be more than made up for with transparency and honest testimony. Besides we can always recreate an experiment with 10 floodlights later if we notice peculiar phenomena at candlelight, right team? Also in case anyone has a theory that perhaps the IR being projected from the lamps and cameras used reveals ghosts. That sounds unlikely given how much IR the sun puts out every day but regardless we can experiment with any spectrum of lighting after we establish some form of result at candlelight. I think this is the best route but its a group effort everyone so be sure to send me your thoughts or post them in comments. I do read every single one here and over on youtube.

Also everyone the next experiment to hit youtube is most likely going to be the following (or use this link for a larger version -

I'll do it Saturday if weather permits, if we get too much rain it might be a day late. Please send in any thoughts or questions. Here is 1 I'm wondering about myself - The instructions say to use chalk to draw the triangle but to use nails to pin down the leather strips. What material does anyone commonly stand on that can be drawn on with chalk but also have nails driven through it? Wood comes to mind.

On the other hand I could stand on plain ground and use chalk dust for the drawing.

Let me know your thoughts everyone, here, email, the thread on /x/ right now, youtube, however you prefer.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Ethics and documenting the occult

I wanted to make a whole post to address the issue of ethics in documenting anything related to the occult, paranormal, or supernatural.

Everyday you can flip on your TV and tune to a show or hop on any computer and find plenty of streams or youtube videos that claim to show evidence of everything from the ability to move something small with only the power of will to others claiming they have quite literally sat down with, visually perceived, and even had physical contact with a number of demons.

At this point you might be expecting me to say its all fake and I intend to debunk them. That is not my position whatsoever.

I'm not attempting these from some sort of "this is FAKE, its debunked, BUSTED!" or any other form of self righteous idea that one small experiment is somehow an instant and all encompassing fact.

At the same time I am not going to make excuses or fabricate reasons for completely normal experiences. If I catch a glimpse of a shadow momentarily it was still a shadow. Not a demon, angel, nymph, banshee, leprechaun, or anything other than a shadow.

I've tuned in to some shows that swear every spec of dust to float by their camera is a confirmed apparition. Every single sound on their EVP is a malevolent poltergeist warning them to back off.

Youre not going to see that from me. I know its less eventful and it doesnt make for good TV that I dont edit for suspense and I dont act scared or frightened or constantly suggest that I heard something, felt something, or any other common quote on the list of go-to lines for shows that use those all the time.

Ghost hunting and paranormal investigation is huge right now in the media and among hobbyists. I dont think its ever been bigger and with recording equipment being cheaper than ever as well its accessible to a huge number of people. Anyone can explore an old empty house at night and use their cell phone with a few flashlights to capture video. Because of that I feel there are more people taking advantage of faking it than ever before and of course getting rich from it in the process. Of course some of it is simply entertainment shot from a reality-TV perspective.

I feel like a lot of it really hurts parapsychology and anyone who really wants their research to be taken seriously although I'm not sure if parapsychologys reputation could be worse among most people. Regardless (small piece of life history incoming) since its so hard to find someone you can trust when it comes to paranormal research and because I've always had a strong interest in the occult I've been doing these experiments myself.

I'm not rich, I'm not with some production company in California, I dont have any merchandise to sell you. No hats, no mugs, not even a t-shirt. I'm telling you all of this to get across one short point that I feel is the most important part of what I'm doing here and probably the only thing many of you care about - I will never fake it.

I'm not trying to get rich and famous. I was doing this off video a long time ago and now I do it on video. The process hasnt changed for me this just makes it a lot easier to get good honest peer review.

That doesnt mean I dont really enjoy the community because I do and its great to be able to discuss ideas with so many people at once.  I owe a thanks to everyone that has sent me suggestions and please keep them coming! Oh! One comment I received recently was from a person saying that although they had believed in the supernatural most of their lives, I was slowly changing their mind. I appreciate the comment but I responded and let them know my goal isnt to convince everyone out there to stop believing. Its only to find something clear, repeatable, falsifiable and thus it wont require any 'belief' at all. Nobody says they believe in turtles. 

Maybe with time and effort we can all make some part of the occult as common as turtles!

Jokes aside you get the idea. When it happens you guys will be the first to know.