To start the number of contributors has increased!
Last week the list consisted of
Olivia Thurley
Connor Belding
Tyson Andrew
Fox Hound - Who has a youtube channel which you should check out at the following URL
Jasmin Prill
and joining the list this week is
which puts us up to 161 dollars!
Once again, like a broken record, I want to thank everyone so much for contributing and helping to directly improve the channel. It means a lot to me that some of you are so interested in the paranormal and these experiments that you would actually spend your hard earned money to help support and improve the effort. I cant tell you how much I appreciate it.
Now on to the paranormal!
Symptoms update - None. Short and sweet. Sorry, no symptoms whatsoever noticed thus far. Nothing strange physically or mentally.
Moving on from that I'd have another video to discuss here but work lately has forced me to push things around, sorry. The next experiment will be up sometime tomorrow.
Since we dont have that to talk about I wanted to address a couple comments from the channel in more length and detail.
First I was asked what I think is too far and although I've said this before I want to stress that close to nothing is off limits and the worst I can do is say no so please PLEASE suggest anything and everything no matter how dangerous it sounds. I mean it.
Second I wanted to further discuss a comment from Sircav who said they were interested in whether or not vampires still existed.
First lets establish that the majority of people seem to agree that vampires are purely fiction. The result of superstition and old world ignorance. It cant be settled realistically as to whether they ever existed at all since its basically impossible to disprove vampires and of course they have yet to be proven or there would be no question.
So all of this will be entirely theoretical and I'll try to avoid relating details to vampires directly and only the possibility of something that looks human existing and surviving even though it isnt human and was at one time considered somewhat....'kill on sight' or rather 'stake on sight'.
Lets suppose all of that is legitimate. Using the 17th or more 18th century idea of a vampire, something more akin to a person who looks off or strange but still distinctively passes for human.
Could this survive from the 17th centurey til now regardless of people then wanting to kill it?
Well in theory I think the answer is obviously yes.
So, theoretically, if that type of vampire did EVER exist it should STILL exist.
I say that because eradicating every single member of a race would be a ridiculously difficult task and near impossible given the supposed difficulty in identifying vampires.
If you also took into account some theories that a vampire can make more vampires rather easily then its even more difficult to argue the possibility of something like that being completely exterminated on a global scale.
Anyway thats all theory and fun to discuss.
On a more present note I received a recent another email from a person claiming to be a vampire. I promptly asked them if they'd like to take part in some experiments and discuss exactly how we would define 'vampire' since there are so many definitions and we certainly cant ascertain if they ARE one until we know what one IS.
I havent heard back yet but I'm hopeful.
I also received a comment about morals and where I "draw the line" on these experiments.
More or less asking what I will or wont do and I answered that I'll do most anything.
I've been asked this question a lot and I tend to answer with that response so as to not scare off anyone who think their idea or suggestion is too dangerous or corrupt for me to attempt. I want to hear it even if its the most diabolical, evil, and risky ritual youve ever heard about. Please, dont hold anything back.
That doesnt mean I'm going to consider sacrificing human children. That doesnt mean I'm going to chop my fingers off for a ritual. There are practices that involve both of those acts but you dont see me trying those and for obvious reasons aside from the moral implications.
I couldnt keep the channel running if I'm sitting in a prison cell twiddling my thumbs....because all my other fingers are gone. You get the idea.
I dont mind grabbing something sharp and opening myself up for blood magic rituals and spell.
I've done enough farm work in the country to know that an animal doesnt go to waste whether its recovered during a hunting trip or raised at home and that holds true even if its involved in a ritual sacrifice.
I'll be uploading that video later tonight but for now I've got to run, til next time peers.
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