Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fundraiser Update + Succubus results

Quick update on the indiegogo campaign for night vision - 2 contributions already and I'm really excited.I cant think the contributors enough but I'll be trying and if you want in to score some cool perks the link is below.

Alright thats taken care so on to the succubus experiment which you can watch below.

Now I've tried this more than once and at least once of the attempts resulted in a video error at a moment that seemed suspicious but I never felt anything or noticed anything unusual myself.

You'll probably notice the candle colors are different but since the ritual didnt mention the color of candles required I used what I had available.

As for recommended reading it seems nobody on Earth can agree on what a succubus is or who/what Lilith is exactly. There are all sorts of varying descriptions and legends.

I even have multiple rituals for how to summon a succubus and they differ considerably but they all do seem to agree that 'sexual energy' or sexual intent is somehow a part of the process.

Oh, by the way for anyone concerned with precision I did use a protractor to measure the angle of the symbol on paper so that I could match it as precisely as possible when I redrew it with chalk.

Small mention of future experiments - I intend to catch the full moon soon for a suggested werewolf spell, I plan to modify the mirror cube for another experiment recently suggested that I tried on stream once years ago, and I might manage to try an idea someone sent me that involves The Holders series.

If youre not familiar you can read more about them here -

I've also been planning a sort of ritual to worship the Greek god Pan and it might involve some time innawoods soon. Looking forward to it!

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