Monday, April 8, 2013

Cemetery, Celler, and Djinn dream log +Twitter/Facebook

 Djinn binding results first - I've meditated with the stone nearly half the nights since the binding ritual. Each time at night, shortly before going to sleep. You can read part of the dream log in my last blog post where you can also watch the video of the actual experiment.

My dream log is as follows

Day 4 - Friday the 29th, Meditation - Yes, Dreams recalled - No.

 Day 5 - Saturday the 30th, Meditation - No, Dreams recalled - No

Day 6 - Sunday the 31st, Meditation - No, Dreams recalled - Yes, no numbers recalled.

Day 7 - Monday the 1st of April, Meditate - Yes, Dreams recalled - No

Day 8 - Tuesday the 2nd of April, Meditate - Yes, dreams of an old gym building, but no numbers.

Day 9 - Wednesday the 3rd of April, Meditate - Yes, Dreams recalled - No

Day 10 - Thursday the 4th of April, Meditate - Yes,  I dreamt I lived in a small house with 3 girl,s like a rom com anime, and dreamt of a video game character firing a large gun of some sort. Strange but no numbers as of yet. I'll keep updating.

Now, if youre interested in giving your opinion on a couple locations that might be used for future experiments, check out this video.

Please, dont hesitate to let me know what you think. Dont forget that all of you are an integral part of each and every experiment. Youre the peer review, youre the reason for the camera at all, and of course all our minds are better than mine alone.

Busy week and I didnt get a lot of reading done so I'm still not finished with Works of Darkness. If youre like me then you sometimes catch yourself realizing you will inevitably die without having read all the things you wanted to read. I'll make the time for more book study this weekend.

Pictured: Knowledge Cocaine
Book addiction is serious. Just 1 more page man, you got that in paperback, man? I blame all that Reading Rainbow from when I was a kid.

Next order of business - Someone recently commented, on one of the videos over at youtube, saying I should make a twitter or something for smaller updates and I've been told I should make a facebook if I really want to hear a lot of opinions. I dont have much experience on either of those but someone offered to make a banner for me if I created them and I did that earlier today.

I want to stress right now that this is to better communicate with all of you, and so that all of you can more easily communicate with me. I also hope it will lead to many more suggestions from a larger pool of people, different crowds, etc. I'm already pressed for time but I'll do my best to keep them updated and if I cant do it properly I'll go back to just the youtube and blog.

Lastly, I'll probably be trying the 'ouija/spirit/talking board in a cemetery' tomorrow night. Weather predicted is a lot of wind and some showers but hopefully it will let up by sunset.

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