Friday, March 15, 2013

Fairy Rings, morel mushrooms, and selling my soul

Last week I attempted the soul selling ritual that you can read in my last post from March 8th. I cant say I experienced anything paranormal or supernatural. You can view for yourself.

One of the comments I received stated that because I recorded this and eventually showed everyone else I was technically breaking the rule of being alone. I was alone at the time of the ritual but by later bringing others into it by showing them I wasnt really keeping it private. I have to entertain that as a possible explanation for the lack of results. Plenty of people have told me the camera could cause a problem during certain practices and experiments because there might be some sort of double-slit form of awareness where the ritual seems to react differently when observed.

Very cool read by the way if youre interested in the double-slit experiment.

So the instructions go on to say that if nothing happens you can repeat the process every 13 days. I intend to do so but this time I wont use the camera. I'll be alone completely and I'll let you guys know if I experience anything. I'll keep you updated.

Now for something new! In Missouri every spring means morel mushroom season. Morel mushrooms are very popular here (people hike and explore old woodlands to hunt and gather them) and among rather high class French chefs from what I've read but unfortunately they dont seem to form rings like certain other mushrooms. Mention of them got me thinking though about all the folklore and legend behind fairy rings.

Actual Fairy Ring

A rather impressive history and a fun read if youre interested and you probably are if youve read to this point. Reading through their lore I was thinking that I'm bound to come across a few fairy rings this year while hiking and morel hunting with my family this spring.
A dubstep fairy rave innawoods.

 I can note the location of the ring and come back later to attempt a few experiments, perhaps during a full moon. I have yet to do record anything that most would consider nature magic and I know many people would consider that an area of the supernatural worth experimentation.

One last thing if youre reading this day of - Friday 15th of March of 2013 - you can catch one of the threads currently over here --->

Of course keep sending me any and all suggestions even if you dont catch the threads or even watch the experiment videos. My email is fine,

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