For those interested in the Djinn experiment I'll be quickly going over some of the results and thoughts on the process.
I've been keeping the stone with me whenever I am not working. I keep it in my right side pocket. I have been trying to meditate and focus on a question for the djinn each night before going to bed.
It has been 3 days and I will briefly update this blog with my dreams each week for perhaps a month.
Day 1 - Tuesday the 26th, before I went to bed I instructed 2 people I know to quickly write down a 5 digit number and store the paper somewhere safe. I have no idea what they wrote. Each of them have separate 5 digit numbers hidden which I can ask the djinn about. Thats the plan and I went to sleep meditating with the stone and focused on asking the djinn about the numbers they wrote down. I do not recall any dreams when I awake.
Day 2 - Wednesday the 27th, I went to bed having meditated as instructed. I hold the stone close to my chest as I focus on asking the djinn about the 5 digit numbers my friends wrote down. When I awake I can recall dreaming of my highschool. The building is scheduled to be demolished soon. I do not recall any sounds or much other than the school itself. The building was sold and I know the owner so I plan to ask them if I can go there and look around one last time.
Day 3 - Thursday the 28th, I forgot to meditate and left the stone on my desk all night. I woke up from a nightmare featuring a person trying to kill me. The person used a method similar to the character Freddy Krueger in the sense that they could apparently only kill me while I was asleep. My dream self that is, meaning I was avoiding sleeping IN my dream. In reality I was of course asleep already. The strange part was that he also seemed to require the time to be between 5 am and 8 am, otherwise he apparently could not kill me.
Conclusion - Nothing. I cant honestly conclude anything from these dreams because theyre entirely normal for me. I normally have nightmares about random things all the time and highschool lasts years so thats a totally normal dream topic as well. In fact, for some, highschool is a totally normal nightmare topic.
Jokes aside I understand that dreams as proof of the paranormal is something very hard to take serious when youre looking for evidence. Thats why I tried to design an experiment to take care of the problem. Sure, dreams are all interal. If I say I spoke to a djinn in my dream, well, who is gonna argue with me? Whats more, so what if I did? Cant a guy dream about a genie? Thats why I had my friends write down those 5 digit numbers and hide them away.
Now I have something I can ask the djinn that will amount to information I couldnt get any other way. I'll be sure to keep a log of my dreams but I wont consider my dreams to be paranormal or contact with a djinn unless I somehow come up with those numbers correctly in 1 attempt.
Meaning the first time I believe I perceived a number in my dream I will write it down and then fetch the hidden numbers from my friends then compare them together for the first time during a video recording for you guys.
Envelope Results
A while back I made a video experimenting with ESP and in 1 part I mentioned a sealed envelope. Inside the envelope was a simple math problem written on a piece of paper. I made clear that anyone could attempt to divine the simple math problem in any way possible. Didnt matter if they read my mind, asked a summoned demon, or simply guessed based on their intuition. Here is the video.
You can skip to about 10:00 for the envelope bit. The results are revealed at the end of the djinn video above. The simple problem was 57 - 43 = 14
Nobody sent me the correct answer in any comments or messages, sorry.
In closing I mentioned in one of my replies on youtube that I experienced a strange coincidence recently. I'll try to explain it clearly. I was conversing with a friend, having a completely normal conversation. I stepped away for a moment and while I was out of the room my mind drifted and I began thinking of mentalism.
Liar. You were thinking of me. |
Particularly I was thinking of book tests. For those who have never heard of book tests - "In classic book tests, a spectator turns to any page in a book
and selects a word or sentence, and the magician can name the word or
offer an impression of what's in the sentence. It's a traditional and
powerful mentalism effect that mimics mind reading." that short description is from here and its a fun, yet short, read if you have a moment to spare.
I've read quite a bit about magic and mentalism as its important information to know when researching or discussing parapsychology. The incredible number of opportunists making money by faking the paranormal create an ever present challenge. Back to the topic though - when I returned to the room I asked my friend to grab the nearest book, which happend to be the Harris' Farmers Almanac 2012 Seasonal Gardening Guide. You can find it here -
I told them to flip to the 29th page, then find the 3rd paragraph, go to the 3rd line of that paragraph, and then finally find the 5th word of that line.
While doing this I have already decided that I will guess the word "the" as its pretty much the most common word used in the English language. Yet, before I can guess, they basically shit bricks. I'm not sure why at first but they quickly explain to me that the word I directed them to is in fact "Lucifer."
Now its important to note the book is actually talking about a flower. This flower -
Its worth mentioning that I'm not sure if the word 'Lucifer' is ever repeated throughout the book but the odds are still pretty slim for landing on it while joking about a book test, dont ya think?
No, they think its bullshit. |
Jokes aside I understand this means literally nothing. It cant be measured or checked for faslifiability. Its only a coincidence as far as evidence is considered but I mentioned a coincidence in response to a youtube comment once and was asked repeatedly to elaborate. Thats it! Sorry if it wasnt the earth shattering, life changing, paranormal experience some were hoping for but look at it this way - I've only done a handful of experiments so far!
That means, if you stick around, you'll certainly get to see me do more experiments that require walking in poorly lit places! So even if a demon never swallows my soul it will only be a matter of time until I blindly trip down some stairs! Because I've read how some of you really want something, anything, bad to happen to me. Shame on you guys.
In closing, dont forget that I am welcoming any and all suggestions! Tell your friends, ask your parents, your grandparents, your kids, and strangers. I'll keep reading. Together we'll go through all the paranormal experiments possible. Unless I trip and die.