Friday, June 28, 2013

Zozo results, future plans, and nightvision update

Its Friday and that means a blog post to update on recent activity and future plans.

Last week was an attempt at using the ouija/spirit/talking board to contact something named Zozo.

You can see how it went below.

Aside from the officer the night was uneventful and we didnt notice anything unusual.

On a plus note he mentioned a couple locations that might be interesting for future vidoes focused on experiments AT haunted locations.

Future plans update - I'll be trying this on the next 'moonless' night.

I have a werewolf related spell planned for the next full moon.

As for this weekend I was thinking of trying this -

Since its short I will probably have time for another experiment and that might be something called Charlottes Web. Not the story youre thinking of I assure you. You can read more about it below.

These are all recent suggestions from peers. Lots of feedback coming in lately and its great. Little hard to keep up with at times but I prefer it that way.

Moving on to the nightvision bit I mentioned above. If youve read the rest of the blog, and I assume you have since youre reading this, then you already know my thoughts on IR nightvision in comparison to candles as lighting for experiments.

Most of the videos I upload either have somewhat poor lighting or the worst fucking lighting youve ever seen in your entire life. I've had a LOT of suggestions that basically say "I cant see shit. Get NV."

I've read a lot about the choices out there and its basically IR nightvision, which is a big lamp lighting the area in a spectrum just outside the human eyes range OR a sensitive light amplification system that doesnt put out any extra light but requires at least a small amount of light to operate.

Pros and cons seem to be indoors vs outdoors but the upside is that you will all actually be able to see whats going on more often and more clearly. I'm still shopping around and the prices on some of the more popular and high rated cameras are large enough to give my wallet panic attacks so deep seated that therapy might be required but I'll keep you all updated and if I really cant afford it alone a lot of you have suggested making some sort of donation box or fundraiser or kickstarter or indygogo, etc etc.

Really flattering to think anyone would donate cash to the endeavor. Suggestions like that and all the great comments keep me motivated. I look forward to each new day with the hope of learning something new.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Scrying recap and the Zozo Demon and Datura Update

Last weeks experiment was a very general attempt at scrying. I also uploaded a video that was focused on a simple summary of  'the act of scrying'. Hopefully it will lead to more suggestions and ideas on how to experiment with the process. You can see both videos below.

First the summary

Next, the actual experiment

I could talk about scrying ideas for hours and in fact I have since the upload these 2 videos. I've had a lot of responses about different theories and ideas for scrying experiments. I might be attempting one soon with a peer named Caoren445. Aside from scrying experiments this week I also received suggestions from Chris Bell, Fox Hound and others I'm sure I am missing a few. The point is I am really impressed with the responses lately, lots of activity and the more the better.

About the Zozo I mention in the title of the blog post. The list of websites on Zozo are too numerous to mention. I dont mean the 2005 Swedish-Lebanese film...and dont act like you knew that existed...I mean the stories of an entity, some say a demon, named Zozo. The name is almost always associated with ouija/spirit/talking boards.

The most popular mention of Zozo might be this video here 

This youtube clip seems to be associated directly with the movie 'I am ZoZo' which you can read more about below even has a couple pages about Zozo or ZoZo.

This is most likely the experiment I'll be attempting this weekend. I'll try alone and with the usual 2 friends. I'll be using my same board as always but this might be the last experiment before I try to find a new board, just to be thorough. If using a different board later does not yield any unique results then I could switch back or keep swapping to new boards, whichever gets suggested the most.

I recently had a discussion with a peer I wont be naming and the topic was ouija/spirit/talking boards. In particular it was an experience they had with a board and some tips/precautions they shared with me based on their experience. I just wanted to repeat here that I appreciate the advice and concern but given this particular subjects reputation (the girl in one video becomes apparently possessed after laughing at the name Zozo) I'll certainly consider reproducing that event as realistically as possible. I mean no disrespect to anyone who has cautioned me against doing these things.

I also want to stress that I am aware of the movie being a movie. I am also aware that the youtube account that uploaded the video in question is named OuijaWarning and they have willingly categorized their 1 video under "Entertainment".

That being said they also wrote this in the description.


I know alternate reality games and found footage movies are great entertainment franchises but sometimes their attempts to 'blur the line' leads a lot of people to assume its real. I'm not saying thats what is happening here and that Zozo is fiction. I'm saying that I'll likely end up experimenting with more than a few topics that spring from found footage movies or alternate reality games that have a horror or urban legend style/theme.

Now I could keep talking about the movie, that youtube account, or random testimony from forum goers but I'm sure most of you would rather me stop typing and start recording the experiment so I'll stop there.

Last bit, datura update.

Theyre sprouting! The seeds came from plants I identified myself last year. I collected the seeds then and more recently from the same plant because some of its pods didnt open completely. I planted both batches and regardless, now I have some growing at home. I can always collect it wild if I need to, its a common weed here in Missouri if you know where to look for it.

At a dealers house.

I'm kidding. Its not illegal. I'll keep everyone updated on the plants progress and any wild samples I come across as well. For anyone that didnt see the mention before the plant is used for spiritual visions and other rituals. The Algonquin and Cherokee tribes are both noted for using the plant to "commune with deities through visions". To be 100% clear again I will not be treating this as a recreational drug. It will be a controlled experiment for the purpose of research.

Thats all for this time everyone, please let me know your thoughts as always!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Mirror Cube, Koetting Update, Crossroads ritual, and other future plans

First things first, I have not yet noticed anything strange from the Devil's Toybox or mirror cube.

Here is the link on the object if youre interested

You can see the one I put together in last weeks video below.

I was also celebrating the 1,000th subscriber to the youtube channel in that video but if you skip that part it gets right to the toybox and the shoebox. Speaking of the shoebox, its still in my closet but I likely wont be commenting on it again until I clean the closet and throw it away. Unless something strange happens of course, if I heard voice from it for example.

I mention a crossroads ritual in the title. I've recently had a peer suggest I try a ritual involving a crossroad that likely many of you have heard of before. It involves quite a few ingredients which I am lucky enough to have access to except for the bones of a black cat.

Now obviously this is a sensitive subject for many people. Thinking of their beloved pet's body being involved with anything other than a proper and respectful burial could obviously upset a person. I want to stress that I'm not going to be abducting someones cat for an experiment. For this reason the experiment might take a long time to prepare.

I wanted to get that out of the way and state that there wont be any black cats harmed for this experiment.

Unless you count Spidey breaking hearts.

Jokes aside and moving on I was recently linked to this site

and told that their boards worked for the person sending me the link.

Its not that expensive and it made me consider buying one of their boards eventually as part of a more thorough approach to spirit boards. I should really entertain other boards made of other materials in the same way that I entertain using 1 board in multiple locations or with multiple people.

Finally, one peer reminded me of the Bermuda Triangle recently and my mind immediately ran through countless experiments to attempt while floating on a ship in the center of the triangle.

All of these things together made me realize how much I'll be relying on others for things in the future of these experiments. Small things like buying a board from someone or relying heavily on an experienced boat captain for the bermuda triangle idea. Food for thought.

As for the Koetting update I've been meditating every night. I go to cellar some time between 1am and 3am. The book Works of Darkness states the following -

"You must find a place of silence and solitude, retreating there at
the darkest hours of night.  The Temple of Working can take the form of
a bedroom, basement, cave, or a desert or forest place.  By far the most
desirable is  a cave of metamorphic rock which will contain the energies
produced and summoned and in  doing so will amplify them.  In this
Temple, an armless chair should be set, always facing  south towards
the realm of fire."

I made sure to get a sturdy armless chair to replace the bucket I was breaking in the video at the beginning of this blog post.

To be clear this process will take time. I cant claim to have mastered the meditations instructed in the book without spending at least a couple weeks doing nothing but meditating, maybe longer. Because of that I'll likely be doing experiments on the weekends that dont involve Koetting's process then putting together a few of his rituals once I've gotten the meditation down. Either way its going to take time so I'm thinking of perhaps continuing the weekly routine while putting together a longer finished version for Koettings rituals...hmm...I might try to break his up into weekly attempts though if everyone prefers that to 1 large hour+ documentation.

I'm not sure what everyone prefers, I know the short videos are less boring but I also get a lot of requests for the full 3 and a half hour recording the next time I attempt the midnight man/game.

Let me hear your thoughts on this one if you prefer one style or the other. A long documentation after a longer wait or a shorter wait and weekly videos of experiments into Koetting's system?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Familiar + Shoebox results and cellar update

First things first the ritual I attempted for summoning/bonding a familiar has resulted in nothing strange that I can report. No unusual phenomena representing owls or strange feelings as far as I can attest to honestly.

Second of all is the shoebox telephone. I have not experienced any dreams about my grandmother nor do I recall any ringing sounds or urges to answer the shoebox phone.

Given the circumstances I'll be recording tomorrow as I remove the box from my seldom open closet and listening to the cup/speaking into it/looking at it. Just to be thorough.

In the video tomorrow I will most likely be including a short video of the mirror cube as well. I also have a major update on the cellar.

The one I mention and somewhat show in this older video

Cellar and Cemetery Evaluation

 So you barely see it there. Here are some updated pictures.

1/3 of the way through

Done! The floor is brick. Who knew?
I'll be using the cellar for the various processes detailed in E.A. Koetting's book Works of Darkness as I've mentioned before. Its been suggested to me once or twice and its a recent book in regards to systems for summoning demons. I'm certain I'll be quoting his book heavily for these videos but I dont see any reason why he would have a copyright issue with what I'll be doing. I might attempt rituals from the book 1 by 1 and upload them separately or make 1 large collection of recordings for all of it, start to finish, over the course of a month. Then I would edit it down so you dont watch me meditate for hours on end and summarize my findings.

Let me know the approach you think would be best. I'll be starting the beginners meditation this week. With all that out of the way I'm going to leave you guys 1 last picture of the cellar. Take a good look and tell me which you think is more likely - dying from it caving in or getting my soul swallowed? Jokes aside all thoughts are welcome, I'll be listening.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Spirit Animal update, Shoebox telephone update, plans

Oldest first - I have not had any dream communication with Barney, the spirit animal I attempted to summon during a recent experiment.

I've left out food and spoken to him out loud as well as thought of him often but I have not noticed anything unusual yet.

 As for the shoebox telephone which was the most recent experiment - you can watch it below.

Awesome, the video embedding is working again. Back on topic I have not yet dreamt of my grandmother at all. I have not heard a ring during any dreams that I can recall or awoke with an urge to go to the shoebox telephone. I'm going to keep the box in the closet for a while longer but sometime in the next week or 2 I'll likely test putting it up to my ear and talking into it just to see what happens.

Updates done. As for the future - the mirror cube will be finished soon and I'll likely make a video mostly for displaying and discussing the mirror cube/box as its described in the link I was sent. That way you can all let me know if you, the peers, approve. In advance you can read this link here to get a good idea of what I'm going for -

I was also looking into some plant related experiments today. Particularly Jimson Weed or datura stramonium.

This stuff is serious business and can get you hallucinating for 2 weeks according to what I've read. Typically a shorter period of time but I've heard some horror stories about its affects.

Anyway, back to the point, I know where plenty grows wild here less than a mile away. If you read the wiki then you saw the part where it states the following -

"For centuries, Datura stramonium has been used as a mystical sacrament which brings about powerful visions (lasting for days) and opens the user to communication with spirit world.
The ancient inhabitants of what is today central and southern California used to ingest the small black seeds of datura to "commune with deities through visions".[23] Across the Americas, other indigenous peoples such as the Algonquin, Cherokee, Marie Galente and Luiseño also utilized this plant in sacred ceremonies for its hallucinogenic properties.[20][21][24] In Ethiopia, some students and debtrawoch (lay priests), use D. stramonium to "open the mind" to be more receptive to learning, and creative and imaginative thinking.[25]
The common name "datura" has its roots in ancient India, where the plant is considered particularly sacred—believed to be a favorite of the Hindu god Shiva Nataraja.[17]"

Now I've had 2 or 3 requests for trying "magic" mushrooms or certain plants or specific drugs to commune with spirits in some way or contact a diety or even open my third eye. Regardless of the motivation I'm just letting you guys in on the fact that I'm taking this one into consideration for some time in the future.

Just to be extra clear though its going to be done with safety measures in place. I know I'm reckless but I dont feel like waking up from a week long amnesia and finding out I've been doing horrible things like masturbating in public while chewing my fingers and shitting on myself or something truly awful like not pre-ordering Half-Life 2 Episode 3.